Wednesday, November 3, 2010

VDOพายุดีเปรสชั่น(Depression) in south Thailand2010

It is now the Southern provinces turn to be afflicted by flooding, hit by a deep depression, causing 1000s to flee to sanctuary in neighbouring Malaysia and some local rail and air services to be suspended as a quarter of the country remains under water, with 7.5 million affected in 38 provinces in the worst flooding to hit Thailand in decades.
November 3, [PDN]: Deaths in Southern Thailand have now reached 38, to add to the 104 recent fatalities in the North, Northeast and the Central provinces in late October as Thailand struggles to cope with what Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva described as “one of the worst natural calamities” the country has ever witnessed.

 more info :

สภาพอากาศเมืองหาดใหญ่ 30 ตุลา 53
Weather Hat Yai 30 oct 53.

ภาพพายุดีเปรสชั่นขึ้นฝั่งจังหวัดสงขลา ณ โรงเรียนมหาวชิราวุธ เวลา 22.15 น. ของวันจันทร์ที่ 1 พฤศจิกายน 2553 และภาพความเสียหายหลังพายุผ่านไป
Image depression ashore at Songkhla King Vajiravudh School at 22.15 am on Monday, November 1, 2553 and pictures of damage after the storm passed.

Top vieuw :Image damage from depression, Hatyai, Songkhla, Nov. 53 at 2 PM news broadcast on Thai television.

ข่าวน้ำท่วม น้ำท่วมหาดใหญ่ ข่าวน้ำท่วมภาคใต้

The water is reduced neighborhood Tasapatana Road, Hatyai.
ช่วงน้ำกำลังลด แถวๆ ถ.เทศาพัฒนา อ.หาดใหญ่

Hat Yai flood 53

The heavy flooding has reached six districts of Chumphon, reports said.
The six flood-stricken districts are Muang, Sawee, Thung Tako, Lang Suan, Phato and Lamae.

In Lamae, 47 villages were flooded, four bridges were damaged and many roads were washed away.

Seven villages in three tambons of Phato were flooded, forcing villagers to evacuate.
A four-year-old Burmese boy reportedly died after being swept away by floodwaters in Phato.


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