Friday, June 4, 2010

Learn Thai Language in English Version

A complete overview of the 44 consonants of the Thai Alphabet, complete with matching photos of consonant names.

This lesson is the first of two lessons teaching the Thai vowels. This installment introduces the sounds of the vowels, and how vowel formations change based on where they appear in a word. Some rare and seldom used vowels are included for the sake of completeness. Part two will give example words using the vowels used in this lesson.On a side note, please note that I am not a native Thai speaker, so my pronunciation may be a little "off key". I'm a Thai language student who has been learning Thai by myself for the last five years, and am making these videos to teach others in a manner that I found helpful for my own learning. I've found that it much harder to pronounce some of these odd vowels (and tones) properly on cue and slowly, as needed to make a video like this. So please bear this in mind when viewing my videos.

This is the second part of my Thai vowel lessons. This part gives vocabulary examples using the vowels that we learned in Part One, plus a quick review of the vowel sounds.

 in this short 10 minute video together to help explain how Thai tone rules apply to the written language.

Included is a comprehensive explanation of the tone marks and how tones are formed by factors such as consonant class and syllable voice.
There aren't many videos on YouTube that educate on the Thai language, so I'll be putting up some instructional videos to help Thai get the exposure it deserves. If this first video is well-received, I will definitely make more and share them.
Please also note that many of the words used as examples do not represent actual Thai vocabulary, they are meant to serve as learning devices only. There are also some examples with redundant tone marks (placed to give the tone that would be present without it), to ease people into the idea of recognizing a tone mark before analyzing the syllable for consonant class and syllable strength.

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